Cold Water Boot Camp
North American Safe Boating Campaign
Safety organizations
There are many organizations working to improve boating and water safety in Canada and around the world. Some are government departments or agencies, but many are groups of volunteers who have formed in response to a need in their community.
Not-for-profit and charitable organizations have memberships and small staffs dedicated to the activity of public awareness, education and research.
Meetings such as the Canadian Safe Boating Council Symposium, the Canadian Marine Advisory Council and the International Boating & Water Safety Summit are opportunities for professionals to share information and coordinate their safety strategies.
• Important links to safety organizations
Saved by the Jacket
There are many stories of heroic rescues and miraculous survival at sea. There are also numerous simple stories, rarely seen in the media but conveyed by word of mouth, that tell of crisis or death narrowly averted because of the simple precaution of wearing a lifejacket or personal flotation device.
Some of these stories have been researched and compiled in a book published by the National Safe Boating Council (NSBC) in the USA. The Canadian Safe Boating Council (CSBC) with co-operative cross-border ties with the NSBC also produced a video of some of these segments.
• Saved by the Jacket book ©2000 NSBC
• Saved by the Jacket video ©2002 CSBC
Wear it
Cold Water Bootcamp
Swim to Survive